It's human nature to have a passion as a human need to attach themselves to a certain action that they love doing like traveling, creating, inventing or simply sipping different verity of teas.  Throughout the years of experience we came with the best mix

Why Rosaffron Tea

Throughout the years of experience we came with the best mix of teas. We travelled the places that known for teas, China, India and England, the best version of tea yet to try is Rosaffron.

The main ingredients of Rosaffron are Premium Saffron and Rose petals among with Organic Teas, which makes it so aromatic to drink.

Its All About Saffron!

We have our own little secret to make this Aromatic Tea Blend. We’ve added a pinch of saffron and vibrant rose petals to our Jasmine dragon pearl tea, and collectively it looks divine. The soothing aroma of the rose complements perfectly with mild jasmine hints of the tea. Saffron, on the other hand, adds a pleasing yellowish hue, and a sensational earthy character to this already delicious tea. Well, this is our interpretation of jasmine tea; aromatic, flavorful, and addictive. A truly gourmet fusion that can brighten any special tea moment!

Rosaffron in Teapot